الأربعاء، 29 فبراير 2012

Lamborghini abandon Imbodable

Having been among the future projects for the companyLamborghini, Imbodable Lamborghini car will see the lightsoon, but not the slogan for the Lamborghini, but willproduce an American company called "Racing215" Havingsecured the rights to this production company specializingin the production of military equipment and aviation.

Lamborghini Imbodable program is the result of theLamborghini company sponsored and aims to revive one of its cars famous Lamborghini Galardo. This car before us today is the design of two young Italians are Daniel Chinchilla Ochoa and Alberto Fernandez Albilares. Theabandonment of this car by the company afterLamborghini decided to go in the production of car Sesto Elemento.

215 Racing has changed the name of this car fromImbodable to SF22 and their manufacture will b Mostro Di-Potenza, an affiliate.
As for the car they contain a powerful V8 engine, aGeneral Motors Satamoda in the center rear of the car, a capacity of 9.4 liters or imaginary strength is up to 2000 hp and has therefore besting the Bugatti Veyron engine is currently the most powerful 1001 horsepower. Top speedfor this car up to 256 miles per hour, the chassis is made of a type of carbon called kelvar and weight up to 1360 kg.
Lamborghini Imbodable or SF22 will be ready by the year2012 and the company will manufacture only 50 cars Theprice Vsikarb million (950.000 dollars)

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