Had previously said that the German Maybach logo is a "luxury and nothing but luxury" Since it was founded and is working to make this motto a reality on the ground. When we come to mention the Maybach, it is necessary to remember that Tgaraha rival in this area, a Rolls Royce which is the pride of the English.
Rolls-Royce is the name of a compound of two people, the first (Rolls) for the class of rich and aristocratic lover of engines, and the second (Royce) for the talented poor and the glory of the working class, these men were two of the behind the establishment of this myth. Before we start talking about how to establish this company and the stages that they made even got to what it is today must recognize first and Obaijaz a hero for this story.
Let's start with the poor talented Frederick Henry Royce Almzdad on 27 March 1863 near the city of Petrberg England, the beginning of Royce in practical life was a very early has worked as a distributor of newspapers in the age of ten before moving between many of thefunctions that have contributed to the formation of his character and gave him the experience and familiarity with many of the things Mrs. Mubarak Mechanical Engineering which he loved and excelled during the serving period of training company for the railway and he joined in one of the manufacturers of machines mechanical in Leeds before becoming a technical adviser to one of the largest lighting companies in the country and located in Liverpool, all of this he was only after the age of 19 years. Three years after the piece he founded and his partner Ernest Claremont factory for the manufacture of lighting equipment Alkahrbaah, dynamos and cranes.
In 1903 he bought a used car Royce was a French-made in order to go out of his house to the factory and even difficult for him to facilitate the way, the hardship that he wanted to be eliminated increased with this car, bad engine vibration and heat Athtml. This car is that it was in the starting it a curse will turn into a blessing when decide to make a car by himself and any car that wants to make a car, high performance and are available to all means of comfort rather more accurately a luxury car in all respects to be vindicated-Royce is to draw the road map that walk by the Company to this day. The following year was able Royce to achieve his goal making the car he was hoping for the latter received great admiration by the English, ease in the management of the engine and starting, stability and balance on the way to structure all this make them snatch attention from the rest of the car which Faja Royce himself and encouraged him to try again once again.Second heroes of this story is Charles Stewart Rolls was born on 27 August 1877 in the capital of London and as mentioned above, it is descended from an ancient aristocratic family. Charles interested in studying mechanical engineering and applied sciences where he studied English in most schools as a school Eton College and Trinity College as much interested in motor cars and a private world, which was in its infancy.During a trip to France is carried out by Charles and his mother was impressed with the car reached the French stood up to the acquisition and one a Peugeot car, with his passion for this car has increased not only in cars but also Besbaqatha will become one of skilled drivers the English. With the beginning of the new century, known the world auto motor great and gave signs that market has a prosperous future appeared at this time investors the Rolls of the first of them, where the importation of French car market English, and the foundations for this particular company called CS Rolls and means Rolls and his partners he was Claude Johnson most prominent, the latter contributed significantly to the prosperity of Rolls-Royce, which did not show yet.
Of different social classes from which each of the Rolls-Royce and their goal was a unified and common Tkasemah In order to achieve all our strength, this goal is to make cars with high quality and luxury is unrivaled.Claude Johnson, who was working at the Rolls in the import of cars and Henry Edmunds one of two partners Royce were the reason behind the confluence of Rolls-Royce and. Echoes the big left by the car-Royce new made Claude Johnson pays tribute to them before the President of his work, a Rolls, much in the beginning thinking that car Basitwantan not going to be better than it is on the scene, but he would change his mind when I saw it was impressed by a lot and exceeded all scenarios.The Midland Hotel is a hotel which was concluded by the agreement between Rolls-Royce and in 4 of May 1904, to witness the birth of the company history, we in this day and one of the best international companies at all, "Rolls Royce" .
Started by the first car company Rolls-Royce was the Royce Rolls 10 HP making them only 16 cars remained to this day, including three cars Bt exposure of Science in London. As for most cars produced by the company.Starting in 1907 with the Silver Ghost, which will step up to the summit Breaulz Royce and makes them in pioneering companies in this field, "luxury cars". After the piece and its history over the company provided cars featured at least as important as the Silver Ghost, and to limit the recall Silver Dawn,, Silver Cloud, Silver Spirit and Silver Shadow. But the remaining car Royce Rolls Ghost made by the company in 2003 is probably the best Msnat company so far without a decrease in the value of cars the previous, the spectrum is due to the His Excellency the great characteristic of this car, which can be described as the amounts, but the piece can be understandable when we know that this car is custom-made for the people of the kings and the rich and famous the world who alone can pay for it is one of the most expensive cars in the world .
Of the leading stations in the history of Rolls-Royce was the death of Charles Stewart Rolls in a plane crash a few years after founding the company, the spectrum in the 12 of July in 1910, either Royce has life with the company for a long time was a footprint bigger on the path of the company died in 1933.In 1911, was the first appearance of the famous company logo which is known as "The Spirit of Ecstasy" and means "the spirit of happiness," the slogan of this year completed the General cent.
In 1931 the Rolls-Royce bought Bentley to be set "Rolls-Royce _ Bentley," the latter bought a set "Volkswagen _ Audi" German in 1988, and in 2002, "Volkswagen _ Audi" to keep company Bentley has sold a Rolls -Royce company "BMW".